1級作文練習 題 将来、太陽エネルギーの利用は普及するのでしょうか?

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Will the use of solar energy become widespread in the future?

There is a growing tendency toward considering the use of renewable or sustainable energy sources like solar, wind, thermal power generation.

Under the circumstances, I think the use of solar power will become more pervasive than today in the future.

Firstly, solar power is a clean and environmentally friendly energy source, which will serve as a viable alternative to fossil fuels that emit CO2, a major culprit of global warming.

 Secondly, solar power is renewable energy that can solve the problem of exhaustion of natural resources. On the other hand, fossil fuels we are accustomed to using especially in winter have a fate to demise someday. Solar power has the potential to meet the growing demand for green energy as well as wind, thermal power generation.

Solar power generation has some disadvantages such as being not sufficient enough to meet the global energy demand when its sole use right now, and failure to generate without sunlight. Nevertheless, there are some countermeasures like making combined use with other power generations such as nuclear power generation.

In conclusion, for the reasons I mentioned so far, because of environmental friendliness, renewability, and sustainability, I strongly believe solar power will come into wide use in the future. 

203 words


Will the use of solar energy become widespread in the future?

Yes, I think so for the following three reasons.

Firstly, solar power is a clean and environmentally friendly energy source because it releases no carbon dioxide, a major culprit of global warming. With the growing threat of global warming, we should give up using fossil fuels in the near future.

Secondly, solar power is a renewable energy source that can solve the problem of the exhaustion of natural resources such as fossil fuels for thermal power generation, uranium for nuclear power generation.

Solar power generation has some disadvantages such as being not stable enough to meet the global energy demand when its sole use, and failure to generate without sunlight. However, I think we can solve this problem by combining use with other power generations such as wind and nuclear power generation so forth.

In conclusion, for the above-mentioned reasons, I strongly believe the use of solar power become widespread in the future.

164 words